• Parents have to drop off and pick up their child at the door.
  • Head temperatures will be taken for each child with the head thermometer.
  • Parents you must too take your child’s temperature. If it is 100+ or other signs of illness, please keep them home.
  • Hand sanitizer will be given to children before they enter and they will be required to wash their hands after they enter.
  • The school will be disinfectant and sanitize daily. There will be a deep cleaning once a month on a Saturday.
  • Teachers are required to wash their hands as soon as they come in and all children and teachers are required to wash their hands when they use the restroom, change diapers/pull-ups, throw out trash, coming from outdoors playing, prior to food preparation and bottle feeing. The teachers uses gloves when changing the teachers.
  • Interested parents wanting to enroll a child will have to come see the school after hours.
  • Children toys are sanitized and washed with hot water and bleach.
  • We make visual inspections of children for signs of illness. If we notice any signs or symptoms, we take their temperature as well as notify the parent.
  • The blankets and sheets brought by the parent for each child are sent home weekly on Friday to be washed and returned on Monday.